Best AI Marketing Tools: Top-Rated AI Tools Every Digital Marketer Must Use (in 2024)

The global AI market size is set to reach $407 billion by 2027. That’s a mind-bending compound annual growth rate of 36.2% from 2022.

Interestingly, 62% of consumers are pretty chill with generative AI in marketing and advertising – as long as it doesn’t negatively affect their overall experience.

In addition, nearly half, 46% to be specific, of organizations that are already using AI are leveraging generative AI most for marketing and communications.

If you’re wondering about the best AI marketing tools, stick around as I’ll be getting into top AI tools that I’ve found really helpful for my digital marketing tasks.

Best AI Tools for Digital Marketers in 2024

ToolBest For
PhraseeAI-powered content writing
BufferSocial Media Management
HootsuiteSocial media content generation and management
MarketMuseContent optimization
FraseAI-powered content research
GrammarlyEditing and proofreading
JasperWriting assistance and proofreading
Surfer SEOSEO analysis, content creation, and optimization
BoomerangEmail productivity 
CrayonCompetitive intelligence
CanvaGraphic design and visual content creation
ChatGPTAI-powered chatbot and virtual assistant

Decoding AI Marketing Tools

AI marketing tools, quite simply, are the love child of Einstein’s brain and Picasso’s creativity. They’re software sprinkled with a dash of AI magic that allows them to learn from data, decipher patterns, and make decisions, all with a mission to enhance marketing efforts.

Think of them as your autonomous, 24/7 digital marketing gurus.

These tools can analyze heaps of data at lightning speed (something we mere mortals could only dream of), identify trends, and predict consumer behavior.

They can automate the nitty-gritty of marketing tasks, like scheduling social media posts or segmenting your email list.

These AI marketing tools can also personalize the customer journey based on user behavior, ensuring each interaction with your brand feels like a bespoke suit, tailored just for them.

The adoption of the best AI marketing tools is growing at a steady pace, as evidenced by recent statistics.

One recent study reveals that 23% of marketing professionals in organizations have already integrated AI into their strategy.

Furthermore, 26% of organizations are using AI for marketing and sales, and 22% are specifically turning to conversational AI or virtual assistants to enhance customer service.

Looking ahead, AI’s significance in marketing is set to grow substantially.

In fact, Gartner predicts that 30% of outgoing marketing messages from large organizations will be generated by AI by 2025.

Best AI Marketing Tools

Now let’s get into an in-depth exploration of the top AI marketing tools that are currently available in 2024.

We’ll examine their unique features and discuss the benefits they offer.

Stay tuned to discover how these AI-powered tools can revolutionize your marketing strategies and drive your business forward.

Phrasee— Content Marketing Assistant

Phrasee is a content marketing assistant that uses AI to generate billions of the best marketing messages across the digital customer journey. 

With this platform, marketers can easily test and optimize content for better performance, conversions, and ROI.

Phrasee can help create engaging content for Email, Push Notifications, SMS, Web & App, Social, and Google Ads.

Their brand controls make sure your unique tone and voice are protected while delivering content that creates seamless experiences throughout the digital customer journey.

Phrasee uses data to generate and predict your best-performing content, taking the guesswork out of content creation.

How is Phrasee Different from Other Generative AI Content Assistants

Unlike many other AI content assistants, Phrasee takes a holistic approach to digital marketing.

Sure, it can whip out brilliant copy just like the rest of them, but it doesn’t stop there.

Phrasee understands that a well-worded message is only one piece of the puzzle.

To truly shine in today’s fiercely competitive online environment, content needs to be optimized, tested, and refined.

That’s where Phrasee’s true prowess lies.

It uses powerful AI algorithms to predict performance, test various content strategies, and deliver crucial insights.

In short, with Phrasee, you’re not just getting a content generator–you’re getting a comprehensive content strategy powerhouse.

Best Use Case of Phrasee

Phrasee is best for businesses looking to automate and optimize their multi-channel content marketing efforts.

This AI-powered tool is especially beneficial for digital marketing teams that need to produce high-performing content at scale.

Its predictive capabilities make it an ideal choice for those aiming to eliminate guesswork and make data-driven decisions.

Furthermore, organizations striving to maintain brand consistency across all digital platforms will find Phrasee’s brand controls extremely helpful.

To sum it up, if you’re seeking a tool that offers not just content creation, but a comprehensive content strategy solution, Phrasee is a solid pick.

Buffer— Social Media Management

Buffer is an intuitive social media management platform that integrates AI technology to enhance your marketing efforts.

It features superb post-scheduling and analytics, helping you share content at the perfect moment and measure its impact.

Buffer’s smart scheduling feature, powered by AI, lets marketers plan their social posts at optimal times. This ensures maximum audience engagement and reach. AI algorithms analyze past post performances, audience activity, and general social media trends to identify these prime posting slots.

Beyond scheduling, Buffer’s AI prowess also extends to its analytics.

The platform uses artificial intelligence to track and assess post engagements, clicks, likes, shares, and overall reach.

This data is then crunched and presented in an easy-to-understand format. In turn, marketers can fine-tune their strategies and make data-driven decisions.

In addition, Buffer’s AI-powered content recommendation system suggests relevant content that resonates with your audience. This saves marketers the time and effort of manual content curation.

When paired with the platform’s automation capabilities, these AI features transform Buffer into a marketing Swiss Army knife, ready to tackle the challenges of modern digital marketing head-on.

But the best part of Buffer is the AI assistant.

Here are several ways to use it:

  1. Crafting Post Drafts: If you’re struggling with a vague idea, Buffer’s AI Assistant can come to the rescue. It can transform your initial thoughts into full-fledged social media posts, eliminating the stress of starting from scratch.
  2. Creating Captivating Captions: They say an image speaks a thousand words, but a well-crafted caption can amplify its message. Buffer’s AI Assistant can instantly whip up captivating captions with just a short prompt, making your posts more engaging.
  3. Text Overlays for TikTok: Buffer’s AI can craft compelling text overlays to enhance the appeal of your TikTok content.
  4. Hashtag Generation: The AI Assistant can suggest trending and relevant hashtags to help your posts reach a wider audience and drive engagement. With Buffer, enhancing your digital marketing efforts with AI has never been easier.
  5. Repurposing Posts: There’s no need to sweat over adapting a LinkedIn post into a Twitter thread. Buffer’s AI assistant is skilled at repurposing content across multiple platforms. It can swiftly transform your detailed LinkedIn content into concise, engaging tweets, maintaining the essence of your message while catering to Twitter’s limited character count.

Hootsuite— Social Media Content Generation and Management

Hootsuite, the granddaddy of all social media tools, is still going strong with its AI capabilities.

Its comprehensive suite of features facilitates everything from content curation to team collaboration. And let’s not forget it’s analytics that show you what’s working and what’s not.

Hootsuite AI-Based Features

Hootsuite also packs a powerful AI punch when it comes to optimizing your social media marketing.

Let’s unpack how Hootsuite uses AI to make your digital marketing life easier:

  • AI-Powered Suggestions: Hootsuite’s AI can analyze your past posts and audience engagement to suggest optimal times for posting. This ensures that your content gets in front of your audience when they are most likely to engage with it.
  • Audience Insights: Hootsuite’s AI digs deeper into your audience’s social media behavior patterns, enabling you to understand their preferences better. This information is gold when you’re crafting content that resonates with your audience.
  • Automated responses: Customer inquiries in the middle of the night? No problem. Hootsuite’s AI-powered chatbots can handle those, providing swift responses and leaving no customer query unanswered.
  • Trend Analysis: Worried about missing the latest buzz? Hootsuite’s AI can track real-time trends, helping you stay on top of what’s hot and relevant in your industry.

OwlyWriter AI

Last but definitely not least on Hootsuite’s list of AI features is the OwlyWriter AI.

This nifty tool is a copywriting assistant that uses advanced artificial intelligence to craft engaging, brand-consistent social media posts. 

OwlyWriter AI can generate suggestions for new posts that align with your brand’s style and resonate with your audience.

Just imagine, no more hours spent brainstorming captions or wrestling with writer’s block.

It’s currently free for Hootsuite clients.

MarketMuse- Content planning and Optimization

For those of you striving to make your content the heartthrob of search engines, meet MarketMuse – your AI-powered cupid.

MarketMuse’s AI analyzes your content, identifies gaps, and suggests improvements to help you rank higher in search results.

Key Features of MarketMuse

  • Content planning: With MarketMuse, you can bid adieu to time-consuming content planning. The platform offers page-level, site-level, and SERP insights at your fingertips, allowing you to create content plans in mere minutes.
  • Topic clustering: MarketMuse allows you to gain authority and own your topic by creating clusters quickly and efficiently. You get insights on what topics to include, their value, and your ranking difficulty.
  • Competitive analysis and gap identification: Spotting what your competitors missed just got easier with MarketMuse. The tool’s topic model reveals gaps that you can leverage in the SERP. It moves beyond just revealing what your competitors include.
  • Keyword prioritization: Throw subjective decisions and disorganized keyword data out the window. With MarketMuse, you can prioritize keywords with the best chance of ranking into clusters, thereby building your authority.
  • Content briefing: MarketMuse’s Content Briefs serve as blueprints that provide structure on topics to cover, questions to answer, links to include, and more. The result? Less guesswork for your writers, minimized edits, and faster publishing times.
  • Content optimization: MarketMuse ensures that you don’t compromise on quality and comprehensiveness while speeding up content creation. With its AI-powered content optimization, low-quality and outdated content become things of the past.

Frase- AI writer + SEO optimization

Frase is one of the best AI tools for digital marketing that’s geared towards content creation and optimization. 

This platform is a content strategist’s dream, offering an AI-powered assistant that can create original content drafts based on the query you input.

Here’s what you can achieve with Frase:

  • Content generation: Say goodbye to staring at a blank page. Frase can generate content drafts for your blog posts, articles or web pages using AI.
  • Content optimization: With Frase, optimizing your content for SEO becomes an effortless task. The tool analyzes the top-ranking pages for your target keyword and provides recommendations to ensure your content is SEO-friendly.
  • Question identification: Wondering what your audience is asking online? Frase can identify the most frequently asked questions about your topic and provide them to you. This feature allows you to tailor your content to directly answer your audience’s queries.
  • Document analysis: Frase doesn’t just analyze web content. It can dig into documents too, extracting key insights and summarizing information. This feature is particularly useful for lengthy reports or research papers.

Overall, Frase is an excellent addition to your content strategy if you want a tool that can simplify SEO optimization.

Grammarly- AI-powered Content Improver

Don’t let typos and grammar mistakes be the villains in your content marketing story. Grammarly uses AI to identify and correct your mistakes before they embarrass you in front of your audience.

Primarily, Grammarly can:

  1. Refine your tone
  2. Correct grammar and spelling
  3. Make writing more compelling

It functions as an extra pair of eyes, catching any sneaky errors that might have slipped past you.

Its spell-check and grammar review capabilities ensure the content you produce is polished and professional. This is sure to increase trust and credibility with your audience.

Grammarly’s AI-driven suggestions help you refine your tone, making your marketing communications more persuasive and engaging.

When working on Google Docs or directly inside the app, GrammarlyGO can help you automatically:

  • Identify any gaps in your content
  • Give you ideas for improvement
  • Pick out your main points
  • Brainstorm ideas, outlines and the like
  • Other 100 prompts

The tool’s context-specific prompts assist in crafting quick responses to emails, keeping your inbox efficient and manageable.

One of the powerful features of Grammarly is its versatility. Whether you’re crafting social media updates, writing blog posts, or composing an important email, Grammarly assists you right where you work.

This flexibility makes it a top choice for marketers looking to improve productivity and quality across all content channels.

Jasper – AI-powered Copywriting Companion

Supercharge your integrated marketing campaigns with the power of AI using Jasper.

This tool is equipped with over 50 templates, each designed to harness the power of AI in specific copywriting skills. Just a few clicks and you’ll be switching from writing high-converting ads to creating engaging landing pages.

With Jasper’s “Rephrase & Rewrite” feature, you can highlight text and with one click, improve your writing, change the tone, adjust the length, or repurpose the content for a different channel.

Jasper’s AI can also analyze your content’s tone of voice, allowing you to set tone and formatting rules to ensure that Jasper’s writing always sounds authentically like you.

In addition, Jasper also supports team collaboration. Share documents between your team members and apply status labels to quickly identify what’s ready for review.

For those focusing on SEO, Jasper’s SEO Mode can analyze your content against SERP competitors and optimize accordingly with the SurferSEO add-on.

You can also scan your content for sources using the add-on, Copyscape, the best plagiarism search on the web.

Surfer SEO – Your Strategic SEO Companion

Don’t leave your SEO strategy up to chance – let Surfer SEO take the reins.

With Surfer, you can supercharge your organic traffic, enhance your online visibility, and improve your website’s ranking.

It provides a comprehensive SEO workflow, taking care of everything from research to writing and optimization.

Surfer’s AI technology allows you to produce top-quality, well-optimized articles in just 20 minutes, making it one of the best AI tools for digital marketing.

The platform is equipped to generate briefs with catchy headlines in mere seconds, and its built-in Outline Builder helps you structure your content into a detailed outline, complete with unique potential headings and questions.

With Surfer, language is no barrier to success.

While it caters to English and Spanish speakers, it goes beyond these languages, offering real-time metrics for structure, word count, NLP-ready keywords, and image optimization. This allows you to write and optimize your content simultaneously, achieving high rankings no matter where in the world your target audience may be.

Boomerang – Your Ultimate Email Productivity Guru

Ever wished you could read your subscribers’ minds? With Boomerang, you’re one step closer, especially if Outlook is your playing field.

Its AI assistant helps you write better, more actionable emails in real-time, making it a top contender among the best AI marketing tools.

With Respondable, a feature powered by data from millions of messages, you can expect more responses to your emails, always strike the right tone, and gain insights into your writing style.

Boomerang’s Inbox Pause puts you in control of your email flow by controlling when emails appear in your inbox.

Also say goodbye to back-and-forth emails, double bookings, and missed meetings due to typographical and timezone errors with the one-click calendar scheduling feature.

Boomerang’s Magic Live Calendar keeps you updated, allowing you to turn emails into events by adding meeting details to your calendar directly from your inbox. With the Bookable Schedule feature, you can set up a schedule of available times and share it with as many people as you want.

This tool offers Microsoft Teams and Zoom integration, supports multiple calendars, and allows freedom across dual time zones.

You can even share your availability without giving up your privacy with the Share Free/Busy feature, or schedule one-off meetings in a single email with the Suggest Times feature.

What’s even better? Boomerang’s read receipts let you know when a recipient opens your email and when they click on a link in the message, reducing the chance of your email being marked as spam.

This allows you to follow up (or not) with complete knowledge of your email’s status.

Boomerang is undoubtedly a power-packed AI tool for digital marketing if you want to spend less time writing emails and wondering if the recipient saw it in the first place. 


Crayon uses AI to track and analyze your competitor’s every move. It scans data from millions of sources to give you a comprehensive view of your market landscape. Suddenly, keeping one step ahead of the competition just got a whole lot easier!

Instead of sifting through irrelevant data, Crayon delivers pertinent insights directly to your inbox.

The AI news summarization feature condenses competitor articles into actionable takeaways. These insights can be easily shared with your team to ensure everyone is informed.

What sets Crayon apart is its AI importance scoring, which ranks insights based on their significance.

This allows you to focus on what matters most and make informed strategic decisions. With Crayon, you can work smarter and avoid unexpected market blindspots.


Canva is an extraordinary AI-powered tool, and a marketer’s dream come true. This intuitive platform is like a magic wand that transforms mere mortals into graphic design maestros.

With Canva, creating eye-catching visuals—be they social media posts, infographics, or presentations—is a cinch, even if your design skills are, let’s say, a work in progress.

Beyond its basic functionalities, Canva has an array of AI-driven features that will make your marketing life a whole lot easier. Its Smart Mockups feature, for instance, allows you to visualize your design in various real-world formats. Then there’s the Background Remover which, well, does exactly what its name suggests—making your visuals pop like never before.

Among Canva’s arsenal of impressive AI capabilities is Magic Design. This feature takes your design aspirations and transforms them into stunningly personalized templates.

Simply feed in your media or describe your vision, and watch as Magic Design conjures up to eight unique templates tailored to your needs.

Whether you’re crafting social media posts, flyers, or posters, Magic Design helps you churn out commercial-ready designs while adhering to Canva’s Content License Agreement.

Plus, it’s free for all Canva users and available in English.

ChatGPT- AI-powered Chatbot and Virtual Assistant

You can use this AI beast to craft a tailor-made chatbot for your customers. Why is that a big deal? Well, imagine providing your customers with a personalized, engaging, and prompt conversation 24/7. That would give you plenty of opportunities to create a personalized brand experience for ALL your customers without breaking the bank.

ChatGPT can also be your personal virtual assistant.

Here are a few ways ChatGPT can help speed up and optimize your marketing tasks:

  • Brainstorming: ChatGPT can generate a flood of creative ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
  • Keyword Research: Optimize your SEO strategy with top-notch keyword suggestions.
  • Title Generation: Craft catchy, click-worthy headlines that your audience can’t resist.
  • Understanding Customer Intent: Get deeper insights into what your customers really want.
  • Data Analysis: Make sense of heaps of data and identify key trends in a snap.

And the list goes on.

The Impact of AI on Digital Marketing

AI tools have transformed digital marketing into a dynamic, data-driven powerhouse.

For marketers, the AI revolution is an incredible opportunity. Organizing, analyzing, and making sense of vast amounts of data is challenging, but AI marketing tools can handle it with ease.

They analyze data at incredible speeds, identify patterns and trends, and make predictive recommendations. This enables you to create personalized, effective marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

Also, consider the power of chatbots.

You can program chatbots to deliver 24/7 customer service, answer FAQs, or even help with lead generation.

AI tools can also help optimize your SEO efforts, making your website a magnet for traffic. They can automate email marketing, ensuring your messages reach the right people at the right time.

With the best AI marketing tools at your disposal, your marketing initiatives can go from good to exceptional.

Here are a few  examples of AI in the big fat world.

  • Netflix: This streaming service uses artificial intelligence to offer personalized recommendations. Its AI algorithms analyze user behavior, viewing history, and preferences to suggest shows and movies. This has significantly increased viewer engagement, keeping Netflix at the top of the streaming game.
  • Spotify: Much like Netflix, Spotify uses AI to analyze user behavior and offer customized playlists.
  • Cyber Inc: This IT services leverages the power of AI for content creation. They used Synthesia AI, a platform dedicated to video creation, to develop extensive online courses. Cyber Inc’s objective was to scale up content creation rapidly while penetrating global markets by generating videos in numerous languages. They even substituted an actor with an AI-created avatar, significantly reducing video production costs. The outcome? Cyber Inc managed to double its video production speed and expand into new markets ahead of schedule by producing content in multiple languages, a process that typically would be time-consuming and expensive without AI. Now that’s what we call cost-effective scalability!

How to Choose the Right AI Marketing Tool

Here’s some advice to help you find your perfect match of the best AI marketing tools.

First, identify your specific needs.

Are you looking to improve your email marketing, or are you more interested in understanding your web analytics? Perhaps you’re in need of a tool that can predict user behavior. Once you’ve nailed down your needs, look for tools that excel in these areas.

Next, consider your budget.

While it’s true that you often get what you pay for, there are plenty of affordable AI tools out there that pack a punch.

Finally, don’t forget to consider the tool’s ease of use.

An AI tool is only as good as your ability to use it. So, choose a tool that has an intuitive interface and good customer support. Remember, the best AI marketing tool is the one that fits your needs and capabilities like a stretchy glove so it’s easy to adapt and scale.

Wrapping Up the AI Marketing Toolbox Review

The era of AI-powered marketing tools is upon us and it’s offering unparalleled features that can supercharge your digital marketing strategy.

However, the secret sauce isn’t just to adopt AI. You also have to choose the right tool that caters directly to your unique requirements. So start exploring the best AI marketing tools today, and take the first step towards a smarter, more efficient digital marketing future.

After all, the future of digital marketing is here, and it’s spelled A-I.

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